A small stout bodied salamander this species is easily identified by its distinct black and white patterning across its entire body.
Marbled salamander habitat.
The body is black with light bands of varying widths running across the back.
It spends most of its time in a burrow in leaf litter or under bark and logs.
Habitat the marbled salamander is typically found in floodplains and low lying fertile areas dominated by hardwood trees.
Marbled salamanders are distributed across the eastern us from new hampshire to northern florida and west to lake michigan in the north and texas in the south.
The animal remains underground during dry weather.
It can be found in a variety of habitats from moist sandy areas to dry hillsides.
Marbled salamanders prefer to reside in damp woodlands that are close to floodplain pools and ponds.
Ambystoma opacum the marbled salamander is one of many amphibians found in the bottomland hardwood forests of mississippi.
Found throughout the entire state marbled salamanders occur in habitats ranging from moist woodlands to dry wooded hillsides and they are best found by looking under debris such as logs or rocks.
In the fall it leaves the woods and migrates to a.
They have been found as far north as new hampshire though only two sightings have been reported there.
They are a fossorial species.
Range and habitat marbled salamanders are found throughout the southeast but are absent from southeastern georgia peninsular florida and the higher elevations of the appalachian mountains.
Habitat the marbled salamander lives in forests and woodlands.
Overall they are more tolerant of dry habitat than many other salamanders due to their burrowing ability.
However because marbled salamanders are the only fall breeder larvae encountered in vernal pool habitats in winter or early spring february april prior to other salamanders breeding are likely to be marbled salamanders.
Their habitats are damp woodlands forests and places with soft and wet soil.
They usually live close to ponds streams or in marshlands but they can also be found in dry hillsides as long as there is some water nearby.
They are occasionally spotted on dry hillsides but rarely stray far from moist environs.
They occur in a variety of habitats which can range from low lying floodplains to wooded hillsides.